Alma 48:17

"Verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." - Alma 48:17

Monday, October 31, 2016

A Pretty Good Week...

 Hey y’all!

This week was a pretty good one. 

We had District Meeting and I did a training on studying the scriptures and related it to carving pumpkins! So we got to carve pumpkins and it was awesome!

This week one of my former companions got married!! He came down here on his honeymoon to catch a cruise, and I got to go to dinner with him.  It was really good to see him so happy! Then on Saturday we had a Stake Trunk-or-Treat! There were tons and tons of people and it was a riot to see the missionaries in our Zone and to hand out candy to the kids.

Yesterday we had the chance to actually teach a non-member!!! I know, it’s a miracle right??? We taught them about the importance of relationships with their families because we can take those into the next life with us. It was sweet!

That's all for this week! Later.

Elder Crump

District Pumpkin Carving

With Elder Gee, his former companion Elder Jordan Dallin and his wife.

His district at the Stake Trunk-or-Treat.

A visit from a great friend, Hunter McFall.

Out to get yogurt with Hunter.

Hunter, Zach and Elder Gee.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Another week in Irvine

Hey y’all! Miracles on Miracles today because it’s raining!!!!!!!! We haven’t had rain like this in forever and we need it! So that’s a blessing!

This week was just like any other week here in Irvine.  We knocked tons of doors! Yahooo...but we found someone and they said we could come back, so that was cool. Hopefully we can follow up with them this week.

We had dinner with this old guy in the ward and he had a 1929 Model A. It was soooooo sick! Me and G sat in the back, it’s pretty much like the trunk and we were nice and cozy in there.  The guy was honkin’ his horn and it was just hilarious! It was a good time that’s for sure.

Hope y’all have a good week!

Elder Crump

With Elder Gee in the back of the Model A.

Just knockin' doors.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Slow week...again.

Another transfer down and out and me and the G man are staying together another one here in Irvine.

Things this week were slow as usual. We had a Ward Chili Cook Off, so that was cool. We had some people come, but they were all for the sisters to teach.

Last pday we went mountain biking so that was super cool. It was a good time and I only crashed twice!

We went with the Truck elders to Long Beach to pick up a bike from the mission office up there, and one of the elders is actually from there! He showed us around. (Things must be really slow right now. This is what Zach did last week, and he’s telling about it again. Poor guy.)

But hey, we also had the Primary Program yesterday and my favorite quotes were "I like the temple because I can be quiet like a ninja inside." and "President Monson is my favorite prophet because all the other ones are dead." Classic quotes from a Primary Program :0)

That’s all for me this week. Hope you all have a good one!

Elder Crump

The trip to Long Beach.

After mountain biking.

Irvine Zone

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Well, time has been flyin and we only have one more week of the transfer!

This week was as pretty good one. I went on exchanges this week with the Zone Leader and it was good.  He’s from Canada so we share some differences but we still manage to get along :0)

Other cool news this week. I found some more road kill!! We were riding our bikes along and see this dead squirrel in the road and it looked like it was still intact! I think it fell out of the tree that was hanging over the road.  It was still fresh too! Yahoo!!!! So I took all the stuff outta my bag and gave it to my comp, then picked up the squirrel and stuck in it in my bag and took it home. There I skinned him and ate him! Yahoo that's 2 for me so far! Oooh yeah.

The only person we were teaching with a baptismal date we had to pass off to the Japanese missionaries, so now we are back down to 0 people.  So we are gonna be doing a whole lotta knockin this week.

Hope y’all have a great week.  Love ya tons!

Elder Crump

With Elder Peck and Elder Gardner.

On exchanges with the Zone Leaders.

Yes, the squirrel in his bag.

Where does this boy come up with this stuff?! I just don't get it!
And in his white shirt and tie? Seriously?
With the American flag flying in the background...of course!