Alma 48:17

"Verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." - Alma 48:17

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Busy Week

Hey Everyone,

Had a pretty intense week down here in SOC.  But good news of the week, we picked up a new investigator and we have a baptism date for her on the 12th of December!! Super exciting, and the crazy part is, is that she said she knows me, and I defiantly have never met her before! She said she felt like she’s known me a long time. I was like, ‘Hey maybe we were pals in the pre-existence.’ So that kinda blew my socks off.

We had a meeting as a mission and we went over the new theme that the church is putting out for Christmas. Just like last year’s was He is the Gift. I cannot disclose the information about this new one until November 29th! So ya’ll can wait in breathless anticipation until Sunday!

This week is the week that our other investigator is getting baptized up in good ole SLC! She left today and man was I jelly! (Zach speak for ‘jealous’)  I looked up the weather for ya’ll and it’s like in the 30s! Man I hope this weather down here doesn't turn me into a wimp! But anywho, I couldn't be more excited for her.  She is ready and she’s just so excited about the church and everything.

We had a service project this week.  We hacked a couple of trees down, and I sliced open my finger.  But not to worry, it was an easy 3 dollar super glue purchase that saved my finger(: (see my excellent work below in the picture)

We also went to Laguna Beach last night to this Interfaith thing they had that the missionaries sang at! Of course the missionaries were the best, I’m biased.  But we had like these Hindu people that did some chants and then St. Marys did a song and everyone was singing and dancing and clappin their hands. It was quite strange.

The picture of the ocean is the view outside the mens’ restroom urinal and the Laguna Beach chapel.  Let’s just say it was a soothing experience!

Welp that's all for me this week, have a fantastic one yourselves!

Elder Crump

Cookin' a little breakfast.

Hackin' some trees down.

The 'View"

Super Glue stitching job.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Awesome Stuff!

Good morning friends!

Hope ya have had a fantastic week! Things here are good. Not too much this week.

We taught our gator Adina this week 3 times and we took her on a temple tour yesterday, it was awesome.  She loves the temple. We are meeting with her again tonight so things couldn't be going any better.

Our other Investigator Heidi got back from a trip out on the East coast this week to see her cousin get married. She came back and we talked about what she thought of it.  She was just stunned at all the drinking and stuff they had.  She was glad that we don't drink. We then talked about temple marriage and how sacred it is and she was so happy and just loved the whole thing! So that was a bonus.

We did a ton of walking this week because we have to share a car with the other elders.  We walked a good 10 miles the other day, so you could say I slept like a brick that night, lol.

I had my first rager this week too. We stopped by a less active guy’s house and his son answered the door. Then this guy came flyin down the stairs and started yelling at us, tellin us we were harassing him and his wife and to get the heck off his property (that's putting it into missionary terms, lol). So that was an interesting experience. I just wonder what happened in those peoples’ lives to make them just hate us so much, but anywho what do ya do? Pray for them, that's what ya do! Have a fantastic week ya'll!

Elder Crump

With Elder Ferguson, heading off to do service.

Mission Viejo sunset.

In deep thought :0)

With Adina on a tour of the
Newport Beach Temple grounds.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Socks knocked off...

Hey Friends!

Crazy week here is So Cal.

Start off with a long story of our new investigator. Begins with her walkin’ down the beach in Crystal Cove and she finds this bottle, and inside there is a story of how this family lost their 17 year old daughter to heat stroke. The family then writes about the Plan of Salvation and how they know they can be together forever. Then there is a number to call if it’s found.  She didn't call it and just set it on her dresser.

4 years go by and she is at a Pickle Ball tournament in St George. She had been divorced for about 2 years, but anywho, she met a guy at the tournament, and he was a member of the church. He came down to visit and they went to the San Diego Temple and she then referred herself to the missionaries. We show up on a Tuesday and teach her the Restoration.  It went great and we set up another meeting to come back on Saturday.  We teach her about the Plan of Salvation, bam! After we teach her she says she wants to be baptized, my sock are knocked off! Then she says she wants to do it the 21st, which is right around the corner! By this point I’m blown away, I’m like halfway across the room! Insane. But wait, there is more...her cousin (in Utah, Mormon) is getting married the week of Thanksgiving, she is going to go visit, and she wants to be baptized there! Man my socks, shoes and tie are gone at this point. So she’s going to be baptized in the crib (the cradle of Mormonism) on the 27th! So pumped!  Also the family that sent the message in the bottle is coming too.  They are so happy their message in a bottle worked. I could see this story going in the Ensign(:

Anywho, transfers are today I lose Elder Robinson and Elder Ferguson is stayin with me in Alicia Park. Super excited! This week we did some tracting and I knocked on every single door that had an American flag out front (: Surprisingly there were on ton on that street, lol. Yesterday we had a Zone BBQ and it was sweet. We played flag football afterwards for 2ish hours. It was a riot!

Hope ya’ll enjoyed story time! Have a great week!

Elder Crump

"I still chase butterflies."

Rockin' the Camo hat on Pday.

Making Spam Musubi.
Mom's note: I googled it and this is what it says:
Spam Musubi is a popular snack and lunch food in Hawaii, composed of a slice of grilled Spam on top of a block of rice, wrapped together with nori dried seaweed in the tradition of Japanese omusubi.
So there ya have it.  Zach is making Japanese-Hawaiian food.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blessings, Temples and Hikes

Hey Fam/Friends

Thank the heavens things are finally starting to cool off here! That makes this guy super happy.

This morning we went on a little hike.  It was pretty much just like the Jordan River Parkway by my house. It was good, I took some pretty cool pictures, I climbed on this big ole rock, so that was neat.

Yesterday our investigator that got baptized last week got confirmed, it was an awesome experience. Another cool priesthood experience we had this week was we went over to a member’s house to give him a blessing because he had a slipped disk in his back.  So we gave him a blessing, then we saw him at church a couple of days later, and bam that disk wasn't slipped anymore! I was like ‘Holy Cow!’ So that was another neat thing.

I got a new suit this week.  The dry cleaners lost a suit that I took to them, one that I got from a di exchange, so they bought me a new suit.  It’s blue, and our investigator that came to church said I looked fresh.  So hey people, I look fresh!

Last week we did Zone Olympics and our district super lost. But hey, I gotta eat a pie, so that was a bonus.

On Saturday we got to go to the temple with a recent convert to do baptisms for the dead. She had family names. She had her dad and grandpa with her, and my companions did the baptisms for her. It was awesome, she was so happy. The temple is an awesome place.

That's it for this week, a little more info than last week. Yes you're welcome(:

Elder Crump

Zone Olympics

His new blue suit that he looks "fresh" in :0)

Newport Beach Temple

This morning's hike.